Light Warrior Session One! Join me over on Youtube to send Love and Light into the Collective!
Hello my Lovelies!! I hope you are all well and having a Peaceful, Chilled Sunday :) This is a heads up and a calling to all LIGHT WARRIORS! We will be having our first Light Warrior session this coming 02/02/21 at 22.00 GMT and I invite you all to participate :) My YOUTUBE CHANNEL IS HERE FOR ALL WHO WISH TO TAKE PART!
In this first session we will be :
* Cleansing our Energy
* Shielding our Energy
* Connecting all our Energy as a Collective of Light Warriors
* Sending Love and Light into the Collective as a Collective of Light Warriors
* Regrounding back into the 3d Plane
The session will be a mix of meditation, reiki healing, connecting as a Collective and SENDING ALL IMPORTANT Light and Love out into the Collective! I am very Blessed to be connecting with some beautiful high vibrational souls on my Youtube Channel and I THANK YOU ALL for the work you are doing on yourselves, but it is now time to STEP UP and start to Unite as a Collective my lovelies!
If you do not think you are far enough along in your journey to take part, then let me reassure you that if you are on this channel and reading this message then you ARE READY!! We are being upgraded this year from Light WORKERS to LIGHT WARRIORS and please know that this is YOUR CALLING and there is no better time than now to engage in your SOUL MISSION!
I am guided to do this first session on the 2/2/21 portal and by starting at 22.00 GMT we will be underway in our session for 22.22pm GMT. This is a very special number to me and represents my best friend Rainbow (22nd is her birthday) and my beautiful dog Murphy (who passed over on Rainbows birthday 3 years ago) who are now in the higher realms and very much guiding me daily. The Angel number 222 also represents faith and trust from the Angels and also the energy of Balance, Peace and Harmony!
It will be pre recorded so I can hold the energetic space while we are doing it, and I will be there in the comment section for around half an hour after so if you have any questions or comments on the session please feel free to access me after the session.
Please let me know if you would like to take part! If you would like to use Crystals the crystals I will be using will be:
*Angel Aura Quartz
*Lemurian Seed Crystals
* Clear Quartz
* Celestite
* Amethyst
Have a Blessed Sunday my lovelies and I look forward to joining you all on Tuesday 02/02/21 at 22.00pm GMT <3