Weekly Oracle Readings now Live!! All Zodiac Signs!
Weekly Oracle Readings now live for all 12 Zodiac signs! If you enjoyed your reading please subscribe to my Channel over on Youtube or if you would like a Personal Reading please see details HERE!
Personalised Videos (up to 4 days to receive) are £22.22. They last between 20 - 30 minutes depending on how indepth the reading takes us. I don't cap it as such and it ends when the readings naturally wants to, but it normally is at least 20 minutes.
Same Day Readings cost £44.44 and you will receive them within 24 hours and they last between 20-30 mins.
Live Skype Readings cost £55.55 and last 30 mins.
♌ Leo : Invite the Essence of Abundance! Manifest Financial Change with the Universe!
♍ Virgo: Only for those in Dark Times RIGHT NOW! Walk away & the Universe will catch you!!
♋ Cancer: Your Prayers are being Heard and the Angels are speaking back to you! Listen Carefully!
♊ Gemini: A Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow! Amazing Achievements & Victory Awaits!!
♉ Taurus: WOW!! Love, Financial Abundance, Balance, Intuition....YOU have it ALL NOW!!
♈ Aries: SHINE BRIGHTLY Aries! Do NOT DIM to FIT IN! Out of Indecision and into AWARENESS!
♎ Libra: Speaking YOUR TRUTH & Committed to YOUR VISION!! Balance bought TO YOU!!
♓ Pisces: Creating HEAVEN on EARTH!!! New Beginnings with the Divine Masculine and Feminines!!
♑ Capricorn: HUGE Financial WINDFALL!!! But WATCH OUT for Mr/Mrs Shady!!!!
♐ Sagittarius: CORNUCOPIA of LOVE & ABUNDANCE bringing ACCEPTANCE of self!!
♒ Aquarius: The GREAT AWAKENING! Time to Integrate your HIGHER SELF! 2020 Age of Aquarius!
♏ Scorpio: WOW! HIGH VIBRATION Downloads courtesy of Metatron! Time to get GROUNDED!!
Thankyou for watching! Namaha,Lisa x