More Positivity Stones to be Found! And a List of Helpful Websites
I have been painting stones with Positive Messages, and then placing them all over Lowestoft since the Lockdown first started in the hope of Spreading a Little Light and Love to anyone that has passed by one, or even picked one up on their travels to keep! This fresh batch of 13 Stones will hopefully be found by those that need a little Positive Boost of Energy into the Heart Chakra! When I paint these I always ask that they be Found by anyone that wants or needs to hear a Positive Message the most, so I hope they find their way to those that wish to raise their Vibration and See the Lighter side of Life!
I would like to say that these Times are so hard for ALL of us and if you need to reach out to professional organisations then please do so - Our Mental Health is important :
The Samaritans (Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair)
Mind (Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems)
Papyrus (For young people contemplating suicide)
Time to Change (A growing social movement working to change the way we all think and act about mental health problems)
Young Minds (The UK's leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health)
Relate (The UK's largest provider of relationship support)
Sane (Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers)
NSPCC (Children's charity dedicated to ending child abuse and child cruelty)
Cruse ( Helping with Bereavement)
Be Gamble Aware (free, confidential help for anyone who is worried about their or someone else’s gambling)
Refuge (Advice on dealing with domestic violence)
Family Lives (a charity with over three decades of experience helping parents to deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life.
Mencap (Supporting people with Learning difficulties)
Beat (Supporting under 18s with Eating Disorders)
Rape Crisis (For women and girls who are victims of Rape)
SurvivorsUK (For Males who are victims of Rape)
Narcotics Anonymous (Supporting those with Narcotic problems)
Alcoholics Anonymous (Supporting those with Alcohol Issues)
OCD UK (For those with OCD)
Namaha, Lisa x