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Find a Sunrise2Sunset Stone and win a FREE Holistic Treatment!

In the next few days I will hiding 4 stones across Lowestoft, Suffolk with the Sunrise2Sunset Logo on them and details on the back of how to get in contact! Find one of 4 Sunrise2Sunset Stones hidden around Lowestoft to win a FREE Holistic Treatment!

The rules are VERY simple! Find a Stone and contact me via the contact form on the front page with "Sunrise2Sunset Stone FREE Treatment" in the title. Then once I have contacted you back, you can simply choose your FREE Treatment from the list below. Please Return the Stone to me the day you redeem your treatment:

*One Hour of Reiki Healing

*One Hour of Indian Head Massage

*One Hour Full Body Massage

*One Hour Crystal Healing

*One Hour Guided Mediation

*One Hour Chakra Balance

*A one to one Energy Oracle Reading

*Hopi Ear Candling - Both Ears and Facial Massage/Sinus Drain

I will post clues over the next week or so as to where they are and also photographs, so keep your eyes peeled!!

If you happen to find one of these Stones and Holistic Treatments are not your thing, please feel to pick it up and pass it on to someone who would appreciate the treatment, or please just simply leave it where you found it, Thankyou!

So with that said, this is what you are looking for - 4 Natural White Quartz Crystal Stones I hand picked from the Beach and painted the Sunrise2Sunset Logo on them. Please forgive the artistic imperfections as Quartz has many pits, crevices and Beautiful, Natural Crystals to work with which makes for wonderfully wonky lines :)

Good Luck in finding one of the Stones and I look forward to hearing from you to claim your Treatment!

Namaha, Lisa :)

PS: Check back for Clues and Photographs of where the Stones are Hidden over the next coming Week - 9 - 15th March

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