What are Chakras and how do they work?
The 7 Chakras are the energy centres in our body in which energy flows through. The word 'chakra' is derived from the sanskrit word meaning 'wheel'. Literally translated from the Hindi it means 'Wheel of spinning Energy'. A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy within you.
We can access our Chakras through Meditation, Crystal Healing, Yoga, Reiki and other spiritual practices. If our Chakras are "out of balance" we do not function as well physically or spiritually as if they are in balance! A healthy Chakra system is one of the keys to a healthy life.
There are many various Chakras throughout the body but the main 7 Chakras are found here:
Crown Chakra - Sanskrit name " Sahasrara "
Location - Top of the head
The Crown Chakra governs Intellectual, spiritual divine connection. It connects us to the Universe and this is where energy enters into our body to be distributed throughout the other Chakras. An Open and Unblocked Crown Chakra gives us unlimited access to Spirit and Universal Love Peace and Energy. It gives us "Divine" Ideas and a Guiding Hand forwards....like a Loving Peaceful Embrace.
Third Eye Chakra - Sanskrit name " Ajna"
Location - Middle of the Forhead
The Third Eye Chakra is the Gateway to Intuition, Insight and knowledge. It is where we "see" visions and gain knowing from beyond our own thoughts. An Open and Unblocked Third Eye allows us to have clearer Insight in day to day events, to see Visions during meditation, and to have an inner knowing of when and where to go next on your journey. It gives us Eyesight in the Dark.
Throat Chakra - Sanskrit Name " Vishuddha"
Location - The base of the throat
The throat Chakra is associated with communication and smooth self expression from the heart. An Open and Unblocked Throat Chakra allows us to be able to communicate what we need from our hearts to others in the best way we can. It allows our creativity and self expression to flow freely and without hindrance so we can put our best foot forward with smooth communication.
Heart Chakra - Sanskrit Name " Anahata"
Location - Center of the Breast Plate
The heart Chakra encourages an Open, Loving, Nurturing connection with Ourselves and with Others. An Open and Unblocked Heart Chakra allows you to connect with your fellow Humans, Animals and Earth with Unconditional Love. To care for another as you would your self or a family member with an Open Heart. It allows huge Empathy for others and a Community Spirit, encouraging you forward to Connect like never before.
Solar Plexus Chakra - Sanskrit Name " Manipura"
Location - Just above the Belly Button
The Solar Plexus Chakra is your Energy Center and Power House - Your Drive and Life Force! An Open and Unblocked Solar Plexus Chakra allows you to move forward with a stride in your pace, with energy and purpose to put your goals into place, gives you Will Power and Assertiveness without force and gives you the Push you need to make Dreams Realities!
Sacral Chakra - Sanskrit Name " Svadhishthana"
Location - Just below the Belly Button on Pubic Bone
The Sacral Chakra connects you to Pleasure and Enjoyment that arouses your senses! An Open and Unblocked Sacral Chakra allows you to see and enjoy the pleasure that Life has to offer and indeed deep inside of you. Svadhishthana” translates as “one's own place”referring to the true place inside of you that is untarnished and connected to pleasure, warmth and joy.
Root Chakra - Sanskrit Name " Muladhara"
Location - The base of the Spine
The Root Chakra is where Energy exits the body and Grounds into the Earth. An Open and Unblocked Root Chakra allows you release negative energy with ease, connect you with Mother Earth, allows you to move Energy from your Crown down through your Chakras to then be released cleanly. It roots you, or if you think of yourself as an electrical component it Earths your energy and enables you to not feel not so "away with the Fairies" or lose your trail of thought, allowing clear thoughts and clarity of mind.
So those are the 7 major Chakras. Each depends on the other to be in balance for them to work in their Ultimate state and that is why working on them daily and also as and when you feel "out of balance" is essential.
There are a few ways you can do this for yourself, but the most simple way is just to meditate and visualise the energy running through your 7 Major Chakras!
I would like to share this blurry early image I drew in my Journal quite some time ago now so you can see how you could think of the energy passing through your body either side, equally like a Vortex spreading out from your front and back at the same time - radiating from your core! Please forgive my very rough representation of Mother Earth, but you will notice that in both pictures the Energy comes down from the Universe Via the Crown Chakra and exits thought the Root Chakra and then down into the feet and into Mother Earth.
Seated and Laying Down Chakra Position :
So with this understanding that you need to push the energy through your body equally both sides with Vibrant colour and in a Vortex from you, please feel free to just try this very simple Mediation or adapt your own to your own needs.
Full Chakra Meditation
+ Find a Comfortable Position in which you can relax.
+ If you have Headphones, put them on and load your favourite relaxing music.
+ Listen to the music for a while and when you are relaxed start to focus on your Root Chakra first. Imagine something Red you love right at the base of your spine. Imagine it growing outward, bursting in a Vortex Spiral both sides of your body.
+ When you feel you have spent enough time on your Root Chakra, move on to the Sacral Chakra. Imagine something Orange you love about an inch or two below your Belly Button. Imagine it growing outward, bursting in a Vortex Spiral both sides of your body.
+ When you feel you have spent enough time on your Sacral Chakra move on to the Solar Plexus Chakra. Imagine something Yellow you love about an inch or so above your Belly Button. Imagine it growing outward, bursting in a Vortex Spiral both sides of your body.
+ When you feel you have spent enough time on your Solar Plexus Chakra move on to your Heart Chakra. Imagine something Green you love half way up your Breast Plate near your Heart. Imagine it growing outward, bursting in a Vortex Spiral both sides of your body.
+ When you feel you have spent enough time on your Heart Chakra move on to your Throat Chakra. Imagine something Turquoise Blue you love at the Base of your Throat. Imagine it growing outward, bursting in a Vortex Spiral both sides of your body.
+ When you feel you have spent enough time on your Throat Chakra move onto your Third Eye Chakra. Imagine something Indigo, Dark Blue or Amethyst you love in the center of your Brow. Imagine it growing outward, bursting in a Vortex Spiral both sides of your body.
+ When you feel you have spent enough time on your Third Eye Chakra move onto your Crown Chakra. Imagine a White, Gold or Silver Light you love right at the very top of your head. Imagine it spiraling downwards, growing outward, bursting in a Vortex Spiral down into your body.
Focus on all of the Chakras beaming out bright and full of colour for as long as you like, flowing down through the crown Chakra and then out via the Root Chakra, down your legs and then out through your soles of your feet. Imagine the energy then going straight down from your feet into Mother Earth and Grounding you to her.
When you feel you have made each Chakra beam bright and feel grounded and connected bring yourself out of meditation to carry on your day with a smile on your face!
Thankyou for reading this Blog into the 7 Major Chakras. I hope it has been of some use to you if you are Reading this. Wishing you well in your journey into the Balance of the Chakras. It is always an Ongoing Journey to Cherish. Namaha, Lisa x