Find a Sunrise2Sunset Stone and win a FREE Holistic Treatment!
In the next few days I will hiding 4 stones across Lowestoft, Suffolk with the Sunrise2Sunset Logo on them and details on the back of how...

Important Changes to Sunrise2Sunset Services for 2020! Please Read :)
2020 is here and with this exciting fresh NEW Decade It is time for me evolve, and there are quite a few changes to my services that will...

Lowestoft First Light Festival - Yoga, Arts, Music n Chill by the Sea!
How lovely to see some Culture and Life being bought right into the Heart of Lowestoft!! The First Light Festival, although small, had a...

The Green Lady Eco Store, Lowestoft - A one stop shop for all your Vegan and Eco needs!
As a Collective we are all now Awakening to the Damage we have done to our Planet! Not just with the plastic mess we have created, but...

Horses for Healing and Healing for Horses
Horses are such a Powerful Healing Force! I wanted to explore how Horses can Heal Us, but also how We can Repay them Back - hence the...

Corton Woods Group Lowestoft - Amazing Volunteers - Earth Warriors!
I have to give credit to an amazing group of volunteers that visit the woods every Thursday at 9.30am! The woods/small Nature Reserve at...

4 Free Reiki Treatments for Cancer Patients and their Carers
In Honor of my friend Mandy RainBow I will be offering 4 free Reiki treatments to Cancer Patients and their Carers for as long as I run...