More Positivity Stones to be Found! And a List of Helpful Websites
I have been painting stones with Positive Messages, and then placing them all over Lowestoft since the Lockdown first started in the hope...
Why are people calling for Leaders now? Surely, it is Time to be your OWN Leader in 2020!?
Who could have predicted 2020? We are all having our eyes opened to so many Truths at this time, in our own ways, at our own pace, and...
Fantasy Clay Journals & More from Sunrise2Sunset! Worldwide Lockdown can mean Heightened Creativ
I am not about to down play the serious side of recent Worldwide Events, but for alot of people right now the Potential Freedom that we...
Change of Law, Censorship, Confusion & Dancing Doctors! STAY INQUISITIVE, STAY IN YOUR POWER, ST
It has been very hard to know exactly what to say in this Blog, but if I do not speak out with Integrity and ask these questions, then I...