Intuitive Empath Survival Guide 333 - 10 top tips for Protecting your Energy as an Intuitive Empat
This Blog is a follow on from the post Intuitive Empath Survival Guide 333 (Am I an Empath?) and if you identified as having Intuitive...
Intuitive Empath Survival Guide 333 - Am I an Empath?
In my role as a Holistic Practitioner I sometimes have the Great pleasure of treating people who are awakening, but do not know it yet!...
Chiron Leaves Pisces and moves into Aries & Full Super Moon in Virgo 18 -19th February 2019
So far this Year in 2019, we have been treated to so many Celestial Events, including the Prominent Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse that...
Why Intense Doubt and Fear just before Achieving your Goal/Plan is actually A GREAT Sign that you ar
Have you ever made a plan or goal and been so sure with every fiber of your being that it is what you want to do, that it will make you...
So you had your Spiritual Awakening? Now come the "Stages of Awakening"
Once you have had your "Spiritual Awakening" ( I don't really like that term, but for now it seems we have no other terms to explain this...